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Anyone 17 years old and under, must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian 

to ride or you may click on the "Minor Release" button and print a copy of our release to be signed by a parent or legal guardian and then have notarized. This document must come with you each time and be current for that day of riding. NO EXCEPTIONS! 


NO BURN OUTS IN THE PIT! This rule applies to practice and race day.  First gear only to and from the start gate/track.   Riders must wear proper approved protective gear which includes boots, helmet (must be securely strapped on) , and goggles. We suggest you wear a chest protector, gloves, MX pants and long sleeve jersey. No tennis shoes.


Only registered riders/racers may ride the track. Mechanics, family, or friends are not allowed to ride unless they sign in first and pay their rider's fee. When you sign in, you are registering the rider not the motorcycle or ATV.

Any person who deliberately attempts to enter the track or ride without signing the proper waivers and/or paying their fee will be ejected and possibly be banned from Alma MX Park.


Alma MX Park is a "Drug Free" family Park. If we suspect that you possess or are using controlled substances at our facility, you will be reported to the Bacon County Sheriff's Dept and be banned from Alma MX Park.


No firearms and no fire works allowed on premises.


Ride only on the track in the direction with other riders. You must never do a U-turn or go in the opposite direction.


Family, friends and mechanics must stay behind the fence and off the track once practice and races have begun .


Dispose of waste and garbage properly. We have provided you with trash cans. Please do not leave your old parts and garbage on the grounds for us to dispose of. Do not leave your used oil or pour it onto the ground. Please, if you must service your bike, then take the oil with you in a container. It is your responsibility to dispose of your waste oil and antifreeze. Help us, so we can help you by keeping our fees down.


Parents, please monitor your children at all times.  You must teach them our rules and control them.


All pets must be on leash at all times and PLEASE clean up after your pet.


Alma MX Park is not responsible for stolen or missing items.


Motocross is a dangerous sport.  If you do not have health insurance, it is suggested that you obtain health insurance from one of several motorcycle organizations that provide such insurance for a nominal charge. If you do not have medical insurance coverage, then we suggest you do not ride.


Track officials reserve the right to pull you off the track if you present a danger to yourself or others.


Please respect our neighbors that reside behind our pit area. Do not ride onto their property!


Do not ride off property! All motorcycles and ATVs are not allowed past the sign-in area. NO EXCEPTIONS!


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(904) 894-3730


1748 US Highway 1 South, Alma, GA 31510, USA


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